Welcome to the 4thedition of the SADC TFCA Newsletter giving you an update of the last semester of 2018. We try to bring to your attention the work and progress made in SADC TFCAs over the past six months. We hope you find value in the content and get in touch with the various contributors to know more about their work.
This Newsletter focuses more on the outcomes of the Annual SADC TFCA Network Meeting, hosted by the Southern African Wildlife College in October, and attended by 56 people representing most of the SADC Member States and the Collaborating Partners in the region. The supporting articles bring you updates on TFCAs activities which were introduced during the 2018 Network meeting, so you can get a better sense of what has been happening. Each article has a further link to the newsletter of the programme and institution, including the contact details of the person you should get in touch with should you require more details.
The chosen SADC TFCA Champion for this edition is Ernest Mogkanedi, who untimely left us in July 2018, yet whose presence was felt by many during the network meeting and whose wisdom continue to inspire us.
This SADC TFCA Newsletter would not be possible without the contributions of the many network members who responded to our request for updates and news. Thank you all for showing great support for the Network and your valuable contributions to SADC TFCAs.
Finally, the SADC TFCA Portal is undergoing a final alteration, hence, we encourage you all to explore to use it so we can all follow each other’s work and be the support network we all need from time to time!
Warm regards,
Josephine Naambo Iipinge
Chair, SADC TFCA Network Steering Committee, Namibia