In June 2020, IUCN WCPA Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group released Version 2.0 of the ‘Diagnostic tool for transboundary conservation planners: Suggested questions to determine feasibility for transboundary conservation’. The Diagnostic tool is a valuable asset in supporting the decision-making process in establishing and implementing transboundary conservation initiatives that might ultimately lead to the institutionalization of transboundary conservation, i.e., the establishment of Transboundary Conservation Area. While the tool has specifically been designed for use at the initiation stage of any TFCA, it can also be retrospectively applied to existing TFCAs to provide a measure of their effectiveness. SADC TFCA Network members are encouraged to access and use this tool and to provide feedback to the authors so that it may be subject to continuous improvement. Please follow the link to access an article on the tool and the tool itself.”