Ministry of Environment, Forestry & Tourism (NA), Kwando Carnivore Trust, Kalahari Wildlands Trust
The project aims to support initiatives to improve livelihoods and also to help protect conservancies in Zambezi Region, Khaudum NP and Nyae Nyae conservancy in Namibia. Objectives include: Restoring connectivity for conservation areas; improving livelihoods; & human wildlife conflict mitigation.
Conservancies in Zambezi Region, Nyae Nyae Conservancy, Khaudum NP, Bwabwata NP
Specific Area (Village, Town, District, Province):
Zambezi Region, NW Botswana
Is the timeframe likely to be extended?:
Thematic Focus:
Agriculture, CC adaptation/mitigation, HWC mitigation, Integrated Land Use Planning & Implementation, NR Protect & Mgt