The AHEAD-GLTFCA network is striving to ensure communication and dissemination of relevant information for regional Transfrontier Conservation Areas, with a special focus on the Great Limpopo TFCA.

The network also meets once a year to share research and projects in the region respoding to the overarching One Health approach, as Animal and Human Health for Environment and Development.

This is an ongoing programme supporting regional academic and programme working in various fields and disciplines, as well as decision-making for the sustainability of Transfrontier Conservation Areas.

The parent programme is WCS-AHEAD, active particularly in the KAZA TFCA.

Regional funding partners are the GLTP International Coordination, SANParks, the University of Pretoria and the Research Platform - Production and Conservation in Partnership.

For more information, follow these links: 





Project Status: 
Project Progress: 
Start Date: 
Saturday, 1 September, 2012
Estimated End Date: 
Monday, 31 August, 2015
Actual End Date: 
Monday, 31 August, 2015
Project Personnel: