Cross Border Fire Management Strategy, KNP and LNP

Comparing two fire management strategies in the GLTP: creating the foundations for a fire management system in the LNP.


Aim: reconstruct the fire history (from 2000 onwards) for LNP and contrasting it with KNP as a basis to establish a FM system in the area.
Specific objectives:
(1)To determine the fire regime characteristics for the two parks;

(2) To determine the consequences on biodiversity and resources for the two fire management strategies;

(3) Provide an operational FM strategy for LNP;  and

4) Discuss the implications of these comparisons to both LNP and KNP fire management systems?

Project Status: 
Project Progress: 
Start Date: 
Monday, 16 December, 2013
Estimated End Date: 
Saturday, 28 February, 2015
Actual End Date: 
Saturday, 28 February, 2015
Project Personnel: 

Project implementers:

Navashni Govender <navashni.govender[at]sanparks[dot]org>

Natasha Ribeiro <joluci2000[at]yahoo[dot]com>


Antony Alexander <antonyalexander01[at]gmail[dot]com>

Antonio Abacar <antonio.abacar[at][dot]br>