
Promotion of TFCAs at ITB Berlin

ITB Berlin is the largest annual tourism marketing and travel trade show, it showcases the widest variety of the worlds and Africa's best tourism products and attracts international buyers and media from across the world.

2022 SADC TFCAs Annual Meeting: Deadline for online registration

Please submit your request to join the 2022 SADC TFCAs Annual Meeting online! 

The meeting will take place from 16 to 29 September 2022, and only people who have registered will receive the link to join the meeting on the Zoom platform.

The registration form is available here. 

Please share with your networks, 

The Organising Team.

Q&A session: SADC TFCA Financing Facility June Call for Concepts

IUCN ESARO will be hosting a series of virtual Question and Answer sessions to all organisations that are interested in submitting project concepts for funding by the SADC TFCA Financing Facility under the June Call for Concepts. The Q&A sessions present an opportunity for potential applicants and IUCN to present and respond to any questions and enquiries regarding preparation and submission of concept notes.

2019 KAZA Golf Classic: transboundary golfing in harmony with nature!

The KAZA Golf Classic is a unique annual golf ensemble to celebrate, showcase and market the Kavango Zambezi (KAZA) Transfrontier Conservation Area, the largest TFCA in the world. It presents an unparalled sporting and networking opportunity to showcase leadership in conservation and regional tourism growth.

CBD COP14: Launch of the CBD course on Peace Parks establishment

Peace Parks are transboundary protected areas (TBPAs) that are formally dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological diversity, and of natural and associated cultural resources, and to the promotion of peace and co-operation. The republic of Korea, as President of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention Biological Diversity, launched the Peace and Biodiversity Dialogue Initiative (PBDI) in 2015. This side event is the official launch of the PBDI’s Peace Parks E-Learning Module launch.

Launch of the newest #NatureForAll publication

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You are invited to celebrate the launch of the newest #NatureForAll publication

KAZA Motorcycle Tour

Windhoek - Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) will be hosting the Tshwane Legends Bikers Club (TLB) from Gauteng, South Africa, on a nine-day tour of all the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) countries.   

In a statement, NWR said during the tour, it will cater for 40 bikers and 20 Jeep drivers, who will be providing backup support during this epic adventure. The trip will not only consist of the bikers riding across the KAZA countries but will touch on each country’s unique selling points such as the culture, the people, the food and fun activities.
