
Baseline study

Baseline study on the effects of night driving on the African Wild dog population in BNP.

ITB-Berlin 2015


KTP Operational Tour

The KTP operational tour organized by Boundless Southern Africa, led by Mr Roland Vorwerk, was held at Kgalagadi Park. The event was sponsored by Tashebube Lodge. The purpose of the event was to market two lodges in Botswana ,within the KTP, namely (Rooiput and Polentswa Lodge). Stakeholders involved included travel agents, tour operators and South African media. Both lodges have managed to employ thirty (30) employees from local communities.

Desert Knights

Cycling Event 7-13 September 2014

Desert Knights

Cycling Event 7-13 September 2014

Cross Border Walking Trail

A dry-run for the GMTFCA Cross-border walking trail by technical officials and resource managers.

Product feasibility exploration (linking SA and ZW) and detailed route mapping

IUCN World Parks Congress

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) will hold the VI World Parks Congress (WPC) on 12-19 November 2014 in Sydney, Australia. This congress is a landmark global protected areas meeting held every ten years. In 1962, the series of IUCN WPC have started influenced and tracked perspectives on the role of protected areas in biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. The theme for the forthcoming WPC is Parks, People and Planet: Inspiring Solutions.

Southern African Society for Disaster Reduction conference

The Southern African Society for Disaster Reduction is holding its second biennial conference in Windhoek (Namibia) this year.

It has been recognised in the first conference that there is an important link between risk reduction, one health, transboundary natural resource management and governance. Attendance is open and welcome to ensure collaboration between academia and government structures. 

For more information, please see the link: http://sasdir.org

MaChangana Culture & Arts Festival

The Mahenye community of Zimbabwe is hosting the current traditional Shangaan cultural festival.

The festival runs over today and it concludes with the fish festival.

For more information contact the sales department at the Chilo Gorge Lodge, the Mahenye community lodge.


Online Discussion: Free Movement of Wildlife in TFCAs

Moderated online discussion entitled "Free movement of wildlife across TFCAs: moving from theory to practise". A brief introductory note has been uploaded which will provide the relevant background to the topic and discussion guidelines. Discussion moderators are technical experts & TFCA practitioners from the region and they include:

Week 1 & overall moderator: Simon Munthali of the KAZA TFCA

Week 2: Gavin Thomson & Mary-Lou Penrith of TAD Scientific

Week 3: Chris Brooks of SAREP

Week 4: Andrew Nambota of Zambia Ministry of Tourism & Arts
