
2024 Annual SADC TFCA Network Meeting Presentations

This week, Kasane, Botswana, proudly welcomed 100 participants and additional virtual attendees from across the SADC region to the SADC Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) Network Annual Meeting, held from the 19-21 November2024.

SADC Launches Regional Enivronmental and Conservation Strategies

In a groundbreaking workshop held on 13 March, 2024 in Johannesburg, South Africa, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) launched its approved Natural Resources and Wildlife Frameworks, setting the stage for collaborative implementation in the region.

2022 SADC TFCAs Meeting Draft Agenda

This is the current version of the SADC TFCAs Programme. 

Further content will be added in due course. 

2018 SADC TFCA Network Annual Meeting report

This document summarises the presentations and discussions held during the 2018 SADC TFCA Network Annual Meeting, hosted at the Southern African Wildlife College. 

TFCAs M&E Situation Analysis Report

The first output of this project is a comprehensive review of existing legal mechanisms for M&E of Transboundary Conservation Initiatives (TCIs) and of existing frameworks and tools for M&E of TCIs. The analsys uses a Common Property Principle approach to frame Transboundary Natural Resources as common property, thus providing a set of relevant guidelines to create an M&E system that is cognisant of existing legal frameworks, tools and guidelines for the Southern African region, and the indicators thereof. 

SADC TFCA's showcased at the Tourism INDABA 2017

SADC TFCA's were showecased at the recent Tourism Indaba held on 16 to 18 May 2017 in Durban South Africa. The Tourism INDABA is one of the largest tourism marketing events on the African calendar and one of the top three ‘must visit’ events of its kind on the global calendar. 
