
Vacancy: Operations and Development Manager, Banhine National Park

An Operations and Development Manager is required to support the management and development of Banhine National Park as part of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park. The position shall be within the Park Management Committee along with the Park Administrator and will work under the overall guidance of ANAC and PPF and the Park Directive Committee, working closely with each of the Park operational departments.

Vacancy: Operations and Development Manager, Limpopo National Park

An Operations and Development Manager (ODM) is required for the management and development of Limpopo National Park as part of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park. The position shall be within the Park Management Committee along with the Park Administrator and Financial Manager and will work under the overall guidance of ANAC and PPF and the Park Directive Committee, working closely with each of the Park operational departments.

2022 SADC TFCAs Meeting Draft Agenda

This is the current version of the SADC TFCAs Programme. 

Further content will be added in due course. 

Job and Opportunities: Vacancy for two Helicopter Pilots

Job Overview:
We are looking for two (2) pilots with rotary wing capabilities to fly Peace Parks helicopters, supporting operations and logistics within the project areas. Pilot responsibilities include conducting VFR flights in various operational modes - Counter poaching, Night VFR, survey, reconnaissance, extended patrols, high risk law enforcement operations and demanding seasonal weather scenarios. Logistic flights include moving Park personnel, donors, and institutional representatives and equipment.

2018 SADC TFCA Network Annual Meeting report

This document summarises the presentations and discussions held during the 2018 SADC TFCA Network Annual Meeting, hosted at the Southern African Wildlife College. 

2018 Khetha Programme Newsletter

The Khetha programme, funded by USAID Southern Africa and implemented through WWF-SA, has just released its first newsletter. 

One of the biggest drivers of rhino extinction is social inequality

A recent insightful South African report on the rhino crisis advocates that it is finally time to put theory into practice. Unless local communities on park borders are empowered, the fate of the rhino is bleak. 

Please find the article from the Daily Maverick, here

Peace Park Massive Online Open Course: February 2019

This card introduces the Massive Online Open Course on Peace Parks, created by the CBD and partially reviewed by Dr. Clara Bocchino. The Course will happen in February 2019!

Attend the launch if you are at the CBD meeting!

SADC TFCA M&E Framework

The SADC TFCA M&E Framework was created in response to the reporting needs of the SADC TFCA Unit on the Programme. 

It was written through a consultative process with M&E and TFCAs experts, validates by the Member States, approved by the SADC Wildlife Technical Committee and endorsed by the Ministers of the Member States in November 2017.

TFCAs M&E Situation Analysis Report

The first output of this project is a comprehensive review of existing legal mechanisms for M&E of Transboundary Conservation Initiatives (TCIs) and of existing frameworks and tools for M&E of TCIs. The analsys uses a Common Property Principle approach to frame Transboundary Natural Resources as common property, thus providing a set of relevant guidelines to create an M&E system that is cognisant of existing legal frameworks, tools and guidelines for the Southern African region, and the indicators thereof. 
