

This document is the Master Integrated Development Plan for the KAZA TFCA. It provides the strategic direction for development of the KAZA TFCA over the next five years and is based upon consultation of the five National Integrated Development Plans and an analysis of the main development needs of the KAZA TFCA.

Peace Parks Foundation Quarterly Review Oct-Dec 2015

The Quarterly Review highlights achievements and events of October to December 2015.

Transboundary protected areas: Opportunities and challenges

Transboundary protected areas—parcels of land designated for joint protection by neighboring countries—can be important tools for post-conflict peacebuilding and environmental management. The benefits of transboundary protected areas are evidenced by their growth in popularity: in the late 1980s, there were fifty-nine; as of 2012, there were more than 600 (Balkans Peace Park Project n.d.).

Concession guidelines for SADC TFCAs - FINAL

This is the final version of the concession guidelines for SADC TFCAs submitted.
GIZ reported that "the SADC Member States Ministers of Environment adopted guidelines on the development of TFCAs and the concessioning of tourism enterprises . . . in November" 2015

Using simulations of past and present elephant population numbers in the Okavango Delta Panhandle

“An ability to reliably estimate population numbers, trends and densities of wildlife has a prominent role in conservation and management of wetlands. The study reveals the usefulness of using simulations to test the reliability of survey data and plan more efficient surveys.

Illegal Wildlife Trade Review, Malawi

Illegal Wildlife Trade Review, Malawi

A technical assessment undertaken on behalf of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife of Malawi

Written by: Shelley Waterland1, Jonathan Vaughan2, Professor Erica Lyman3 and Dr Ivana Jurisic4
Supported by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH: German International

Date: May 2015

Malawi-Zambia TFCA Treaty

This is a copy of the Malawi-Zambia TFCA Treaty which was signed by heads of state on 7 July 2015.

2015 Fish River clean up Report

Just Sharing a report of the recent Fish River clean up which took place at /Ai-Ais-Richterveld Transfontier Park
