
Promise of Sydney

The Promise of Sydney is a commitment to transforming perspective, policy and practice to enhance protected areas as one of the best investments in our planet’s and our own future This Vision articulates a set of high-level aspirations and recommendations, emerging from the World Parks Congress 2014, for the change we need in the coming decade to enhance implementation of conservation and development goals for parks, people and the planet.

Draft SOP cross border fire management

Objective of SOP

The SADC Treaty, the SADC Protocol on Wildlife Conservation and Law Enforcement, the SADC Protocol on Forestry and the Forestry Strategy, have all clearly recognized the strategic and practical importance of multi-country efforts to boost intra-regional management of shared natural resources, and therefore form the basis for justification of establishing Standard Operating Procedures for fire management in TFCAs.

Fire Management Strategy for Bwabwata NP and Luiana PR

In the last two decades uncontrolled fires have become a major concern in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. Each year uncontrolled wildfires spread throughout the region having serious consequences including environmental degradation, negatively impacting on land use and community livelihoods and increasing greenhouse gas emissions. These cross-sectoral issues highlight the importance of socio-economic factors in the management of fire and the necessity to engage public, private and civil society stakeholders.

Inception Report Acadir/ IRDNC Project

This is the inception report for the IRDNC-Acadir fire management project for Bwabwata NP and Luiana Partial Reserv

Project Proposal Fire Management Strategy Bwabwata and Luiana

The overall goal is to develop and implement an Integrated Trans-frontier Fire Management Strategy for Liuana Partial Reserve in Angola and Bwabwata National Park in Namibia. 

Peace Parks Foundation CEO 2014 year-end message

PPF's CEO shares highlights from different SADC TFCAs of the year gone by in the attached document.
