
14th COP meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Please follow the link to get more information on the meeting, including the agenda, the venue and the sponsorship opportunities.

Presentation of the Draft M&E Framework for the SADC TFCAs Programme to the WTC

The final stage of the project to draft the M&E Framework for the SADC TFCAs Programme was the presentation of the revised document to the SADC Wildlife Technical Committee. This was done in Johannesburg on 30 October 2017. 

201711 SADC TFCAs T&CaB CoP meeting

The SADC TFCAs T&CaB CoP held a face-to-face meeting in November 2017 to discuss the vision and mission of the group, as well as to brainstorm on objectives and future activities. The document session contains both the Agenda and the Minutes of the Meeting, as finalised by the Secretariat. 


TFCA Network Meeting 2017

The objective of this meeting is to review progress towards the implementation of the SADC TFCA Programme. The meeting will also provide an opportunity for a one-day workshop on the establishment of the TFCA Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework, for incorporation into the broader SADC M&E Framework.

TFCA Network SC meeting

The Steering Committee is invited to provide guidance on the conceptualization of this Conference. An important issue that we would like to discuss is the strengthening of cross-sectoral engagement in SADC TFCAs.

Additionally we propose to discuss other matters, including the upcoming ITB Conference in Berlin, a TFCA Network meeting from 22-24 March 2017, an update on IUCN BIOPAMA Phase II and the development of SADC TFCA Guidelines.

Improving Protected Area Governance for Livelihood Security and Biodiversity in Southern Africa

A High Level Dialogue

Objectives and Expected Outcomes

  • Take stock of status of protected area governance in southern Africa
  • Share lessons learned and best practices from the region (and beyond)
  • Identify opportunities and challenges for strengthening protected area governance for livelihood security and biodiversity conservation
  • Develop recommendations for priority action incorporated into a Statement to the 6th World Parks Congress, which takes place in Sydney, Australia from the 12th to the 19th of November 2014

Greater Mapungubwe Transfrontier Conservation Area Joint Operations Strategy Validation workshop and Trilateral Technical Committee Meeting

This is the Trilateral Technical Committee (TTC) which deliberates on matters which affect the GMTFCA which is collaboratively managed by the governments of the Republic of Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe .The purpose of this meeting will be finalization of the Joint Operations Strategy as per the resolutions of the previous TTC which was held in South Africa.

ARTP PMC and JMB Metting

The MoU on this Transfrontier Park was signed by the two countries on 17 August 2001 in Windhoek, Namibia. The treaty on the establishment, development and management of the Transfrontier Park was signed on 1 August 2003 in Windhoek, Namibia. The official launching of the Park and the Joint Management Board took place on 28 February 2004. As part of the development and management process of the Transfrontier Park, JMB meetings are be held regularly on a rotational basis.
