
Webinar Series 2024: TFCAs Confronting Climate Change

The objective of the webinar is to discuss the fact that people, animals and plants in TFCAs are being negatively impacted on by climate change in Southern Africa. Several attempts to understand, plan for and adapt to these impacts are being tried across SADC's TFCAs. We will hear from practitioners in the region about their programs and projects to do this. Some of these efforts to adapt to Climate change are at a regional level such as the SADC Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan and the KAZA Climate Vulnerability study, while other efforts are at household level.

Week 9, Webinar session 18: Deep learning - Deep Learning 9: Connecting the dots between local needs and global mandates

This session will delve into the importance of the 2002 Maputo Convention on Natural Resources for SADC TFCAs and introduce the concepts of Key Biodiversity Areas and OECMs to charter a more sustainable path for natural resource management at national and regional scales.

Moderator: Dr. Brian Maguranyanga, Independent NRM consultant, Zimbabwe 

Week 9, Webinar session 17: The legal frameworks for transboundary species conservation

Chair: Prof. Patience Gandiwa, Executive Technical Advisor: Conventions and TFCAs, Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Authority

Week 7, Webinar session 14: Roundtable - Pushing the Boundaries: Reimagining and repackaging destinations across Southern Africa

Moderator: Ms Netsai Bollmann, Regional Senior Tourism Expert / Team Leader, AFC/GOPA, on behalf of SADC/GIZ Transboundary Use and Protection of Natural Resources 

