
AHEAD-GLTFCA Weekly Highlights 02.14

Every week, AHEAD-GLTFCA publishes funding, employment, research and news highlight.

AHEAD-GLTFCA Weekly Highlights 01.14

Every week, AHEAD-GLTFCA publishes funding, employment, research and news highlight.

AHEAD-GLTFCA Weekly Highlights 03.14

Every week, AHEAD-GLTFCA publishes funding, employment, research and news highlight.

Ten principles for a landscape approach to reconciling agriculture, conservation, and other competing land uses - J.Sayer et al.2013

The attached paper highlights a critical issue in integrated land use planning; that of multi-sector involvement in the process. By focusing purely on the ecological and biological objectives (of which there are many examples) there is a danger that landscape conservation planning can exclude the alternative and diverse needs of people and societies within these landscapes.

Effective & Sustainable Integrated Land Use Planning; A case study from the Okavango

A summary document outlining the implementation of a land use planning decision support tool; the Land Use Conflict Identification Strategy (LUCIS), within the Seronga Sub-District, Botswana by the Southern Africa Regional Environmental Program (SAREP) in partnership with the Tawana Land Board

TFCAs in Southern Africa- Who owns the Landscape by Rod de Vletter

An article written for the IUCN SULi Newsletter by Rod de Vletter of Lubombo Conservancy and owner of Phophonyane EcoLodge in Swaziland
