Lower Zambezi – Mana Pools Transfrontier Conservation Area (LOZAMAP TFCA) Land-Use Plan 2024 – 2029

Rorly Sherwen's picture
10 March 2025

During the period of July to September 2024, a Land Use Plan for the Lower Zambezi Mana Pools Transfrontier Conservation Area (LOZAMAP TFCA) was developed in consultation with relevant role players and stakeholders by Zunckel Ecological. This process was supported through funding provided by the United Nations Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), through the Peace Parks Foundation, and followed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Zambia and Zimbabwe aimed at the establishment of the LOZAMAP TFCA. Given that the signing of the MoU elevated the TFCA status from a Category C to Category B, the purpose of the Land Use Plan is to provide the basis from which a Joint Management Plan may be developed, and which would support the signing of a Treaty and the further elevation of the TFCA status to Category A.

The development of the Land Use Plan was based on the gathering and analysis of information pertaining to the dynamics that will influence the establishment and effective management of the TFCA. This was done through desktop work and engagement with relevant role players and stakeholders and included both qualitative and spatial data. The latter was used to produce spatial products that depict the extent and locality of the dynamics within and surrounding the TFCA and these were supported by descriptions of the dynamics.

This work showed that the establishment and effective management of the TFCA will ensure the area retains its ecosystem integrity and therefore, its capacity to produce and deliver a variety of important life supporting ecosystem services. However, it also showed that there are myriad dynamics which are threatening the conservation status of the area, and these are highlighted as issues that need to be addressed in the Joint Management Plan. These issues are captured as current or future conflicting issues and are presented on the basis of their influence on the three dimensions of land, water and air; thus, presenting the area in all of its three dimensions.

Finally, additional recommendations are made that will serve to ensure that the Joint Management Plan for the TFCA, and its subsequent implementation; meets global best practice, achieves financial sustainability and plays a positive role within the socio-economic landscape within which it is located. Although more work is required to quantify the full value of the jointly managed area, initial indications at the Southern African Development Community (SADC) level are that the added costs of transfrontier collaboration will be significantly offset by the added value, and the two countries may confidently invest in the area’s asset base in the knowledge that there will be a positive return.

For more information, please contact: Prof. Patience Gandiwa on pgandiwa[at]zimparks.org[dot]zw and/or Mr. Chaka Kaumba on chakahkaumba[at]gmail[dot]com