Namibia Nature Foundatio; Associação para a Conservação do Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Integrado Rural (ACADIR)
i. Reduce the rate of land clearing and increase vegetation/woodland cover that will result in conserved miombo forest ecosystem and improved run-off quality and quantity.
ii. Increased protected areas and conservation areas with efficient protection through implementation of co-management approaches with local communities (forestry and fisheries)
iii. Increased and stable fish stocks – through local fisheries management and enforcement
iv. Maintained river flows – water quantity and quality
Largely outside PAs but may include Mavinga & Luengue-Luiana
Specific Area (Village, Town, District, Province):
Cuito-Cuanavale, Cuchi, Cungar
Is the timeframe likely to be extended?:
Elaborate on likelihood to extend:
The plan is to implement the project in the long term but it is subject to funding availability
Thematic Focus:
Agriculture, CC adaptation/mitigation, Community Livelihood Dev, HWC mitigation, Integrated Land Use Planning & Implementation, Policy & Leg frameworks, NR Protect & Mgt, Research, Tourism