EU, GEF, USAID, National Postcode Lottery, WWF/Morby Charitable Foundation, NORAD, SASSCAL, AusAID
Government of Namibia, Zambia; KAZA secretariat; The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Peace Parks Foundation (PPF), Resilient Waters, Okacom, Univ of Namibia (UNAM), Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), UN Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
Overall Objective: To strengthen fisheries management in the KAZA region through ecosystem-based adaptation enhancing socio-ecological resilience of communities
(1) Enhanced Community Governance
(2) Creation of a network of community fish reserves
(3) Increased awareness of nutritional aspects, local recreation and cultural aspects of fish
(4) Strengthening of research, monitoring and adaptive management of fisheries resources.
(5) Enhanced transboundary collaboration on the objectives
Conservancies: Mayuni, Balyerwa, Nakabolelwa, Lusese, Sikunga, Impalila, Kabulabula, Kasika, Joseph Mbambangandu, Maurus Nekaro, Kapinga Kawmalye
Specific Area (Village, Town, District, Province):
Kavango East; Kavango West; Zambezi
Is the timeframe likely to be extended?:
Elaborate on likelihood to extend:
Funding is based on donor funds and only secured until the end of 2023