Online Discussion: Free Movement of Wildlife in TFCAs

Monday, 18 August, 2014 (All day) to Sunday, 14 September, 2014 (All day)

Moderated online discussion entitled "Free movement of wildlife across TFCAs: moving from theory to practise". A brief introductory note has been uploaded which will provide the relevant background to the topic and discussion guidelines. Discussion moderators are technical experts & TFCA practitioners from the region and they include:

Week 1 & overall moderator: Simon Munthali of the KAZA TFCA

Week 2: Gavin Thomson & Mary-Lou Penrith of TAD Scientific

Week 3: Chris Brooks of SAREP

Week 4: Andrew Nambota of Zambia Ministry of Tourism & Arts

Event Venue: 

SADC TFCA Network Portal



Event Type: