Welcome to the second edition of the SADC TFCA Newsletter prepared by the SADC TFCA Network. We present an overview of the ongoing issues and developments with regard to the 18 TFCAs in the SADC Region. Since the inaugural SADC TFCA Newsletter that was published in the last quarter of 2016, the Network has successfully communicated the recent achievements of TFCAs across the region.
Each newsletter will focus on a particular TFCA and highlight how that TFCA has lived up to the SADC TFCA mandate. The last edition celebrated KAZA TFCA and highlighted where it currently stands and the TFCA’s vision going forward. To commend individual achievements toward TFCA development, the TFCA in focus selects a TFCA Champion that will feature in the edition. Beyond having the book knowledge and technical experience, a TFCA Champion is someone who is personally committed to transboundary conservation and what its concept stands for. A TFCA Champion is someone who is constantly going the extra mile to get the work done and to overcome barriers by taking them head on.
For this quarter Great Limpopo is the TFCA in focus. The Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park, straddling the borders of Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe constitutes a conservation area of 37 572 km², including Kruger National Park in South Africa, the Limpopo National Park in Mozambique and Gonarezhou National Park in Zimbabwe. This area forms the core of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area (GLTFCA) measuring almost 100 000 km². The TFCA selected Piet Theron, the International Coordinator, as their TFCA Champion. GLTFCA has made real progress towards the realisation of the SADC TFCA objectives.
Preparations of the SADC TFCA Newsletter would not be possible without the contribution of many Network members who value this medium to inform other members and interested parties about recent developments and events.
I hope you enjoy reading the newsletter and we always welcome your contributions for the next edition. You can find all articles online at www.tfcaportal.org and the newsletter is available under http://mailchi.mp/dd21e1230c98/sadc-tfca-newsletter-2nd-edition-resend?e...
Kind regards,
Seth Maphalala
Chair, SADC TFCA Network (Swaziland)