
SADC TFCAs M&E Framework Elements workshop report

During the 2017 SADC TFCAs Network Meeting, the Consultant tasked to produce the M&E framework for the SADC TFCAs programme held a workshop to discuss and agree on the contents, structure, and outcomes of the Framework. The participants to the workshop were primarily the members of the SADC TFCAs Steering Committee, the SADC TFCAs Focal Points and the members of the M&E Community of Practice. The discussion and outcomes of the workshop are presented in this report. 

TFCA Network Symposium 2016: Technical Report & Record

A three day Symposium entitled “Conservation, Collaboration and Management Support” was held from 4-6 July 2016 in Gaborone, Botswana under the auspices of the SADC TFCA Network with technical and financial support from GIZ, Frankfurt Zoological Society, Panthera, Peace Parks Foundation, African Wildlife Foundation and IUCN BIOPAMA. 104 participants from SADC Member States, conservation agencies, traditional leadership, ICPs, NGOs, and private sector from the region and beyond attended the symposium, which had the specific objectives to:

Abstract format and selection process

This document informs you on the format for abstracts and the selection process for the presenters.

Limpopo National Park One Health Assessment report

This document is the result of the third One Health Assessment in the Limpopo National Park, which was initiated by WCS in 2007 with the fieldwork conducted by Dr. M. Kock, Dr. A. de Nazare Mangueze and Mr. M. J. Murphree. The fieldwork for this report was conducted in August 2013, but the report was only finalised in 2016. Because of this, the author liaised directly with the previous Project Manager of the LNP, Mr. A. Alexander, to ensure information was updated to 2016, and changes in any situational issue noted in the report were included.

2014 RP-PCP and AHEAD-GLTFCA Conference Report

In 2014, the AHEAD-GLTFCA Coordinator partnered with the Research Platform - Production and Conservation in Partnership to host a regional conference entitled "Management of protected areas and their peripheries in Southern Africa: has anything changed with the creation of TFCAs?". The conference was held at the Painted Dog Conservation office in Dete, Hwange (Zimbabwe). This document offers a summary of the speeches and presentations, including the full speech of Prof. M.W. Murphree entitled "The Invisible People".

2014 RP-PCP and AHEAD-GLTFCA Conference Report

In 2014, the AHEAD-GLTFCA Coordinator partnered with the Research Platform - Production and Conservation in Partnership to host a regional conference entitled "Management of protected areas and their peripheries in Southern Africa: has anything changed with the creation of TFCAs?". The conference was held at the Painted Dog Conservation office in Dete, Hwange (Zimbabwe). This document offers a summary of the speeches and presentations, including the full speech of Prof. M.W. Murphree entitled "The Invisible People".

Vietnam, be my hero campaign launched

Wilderness Foundation Africa, Peace Parks Foundation and Thanh Bui of the Soul Music Academy in Vietnam this month launched a new awareness campaign in Vietnam, aimed at inspiring youth to take a stand against the use of rhino horn in their country. This is also in celebration of World Environment Day, with the theme Go Wild for Life: Zero Tolerance for the Illegal Wildlife Trade.

Credit: PPF Newsflash ( Irma Engelbrecht)
