Wilderness Beyond Borders - The KAZA Park

This is a short version of the upcoming feature-length documentary, Wilderness Beyond Borders.
This documentary project tells the story of the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area - The Kaza Park. It explores how this massive park plans to promote the human rights and livelihoods of the people living within it by safeguarding the ecosystems on which the entire region depends. The film takes viewers on an adventure of discovery amid the breathtaking scenery of this dramatic region uncovering how this grand plan is shaping Africa's future.
Visit www.allianceearth.org to see how you can be a part of this exciting project.

On a regional level, the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA) focuses on the health of two large watersheds that straddle five countries' borders. It provides a striking example of a multi-national conservation approach that cascades the problem of water security in a time of climate change up to a regional level where international agreements like this ambitious project are vital for sharing and securing resources for everyone's benefit.

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